2009년 8월 14일 금요일

[무료 학습메일] 인생을 담은 스크랩북 - 영1지

No.902    2009. 08. 13. Thursday
왕초보탈출!!! 말문트고 신나게 말하기
왕초보 English Fitness 교재무료 이벤트
오픈! Write & Speak 더블더블 BASIC
[교재무료] 왕초보 English Fitness
[오늘까지] 트리플 보너스 (~8/13)
Questions 1 – 5 refer to the following email and document.

GTS Advertising Intra-Office Email
To: Joshua Gannon, CC: Anastasia Wilson, Subject: A favor

Dear Mr. Gannon,

I'm sorry to ask you at the last minute, but would you be able to help me out on Friday?
I'm registered for a seminar about Darby Inc.'s new marketing concept. Unfortunately I won't be able to attend because the executives at United Sports Equipment have scheduled an urgent meeting with me on Friday. The United contract is extremely important for our company so I cannot afford to miss this meeting. I was wondering if you might be able to go to the seminar instead of me. I've already checked with your manager, Ms. Wilson, and she says that you should be available on Friday.

All you would have to do at the seminar would be to collect any handouts and take a few notes. Darby Inc. has recently adopted a very innovative strategy which we are considering implementing.

It is going to be held downtown in the Compton Building on Friday, November 17, starting at 9 a.m. If you're happy to fill in for me, I'll call the coordinators and let them know you will be there on my behalf.

I would really appreciate your help.
James Sandoval

Date: Friday, November 17        Note taker: Joshua Gannon
Event: Darby Inc. Marketing Strategy Seminar
* Host speaker – Deborah Kelly, Senior Marketing Analyst, Darby Inc.
* Ms. Kelly began with an introduction of Darby's traditional marketing strategy.
* She outlined the successes and failures of the traditional strategy.
* Next, Ms. Kelly moved on to Darby's innovative new marketing concept.
* The new strategy involves targeting groups of consumers by first researching the types of websites they visit most frequently. This data is then analyzed to compile a comprehensive description of the group.
* Please note  that I have attached the handouts which Ms. Kelly distributed at the event. I have highlighted and annotated some of the most important parts for your interest.
* For more information, check out Darby's website: www.darby.com/marketing.

What is the main purpose of Mr. Sandoval's email?    
(A) To inquire about an upcoming training event  
(B) To report the results of a meeting  
(C) To discuss the company's marketing strategy  
(D) To request a favor from a coworker  

What will Mr. Sandoval be doing during the seminar?    
(A) Seeing important clients    (B) Taking a few notes  
(C) Collecting handouts          (D) Going to the Compton Building  

Who led the seminar?    
(A) Joshua Gannon                (B) James Sandoval  
(C) Deborah Kelly                  (D) Anastasia Wilson  

Which topic was NOT addressed at the event?    
(A) An innovation involving consumer research  
(B) Darby's old marketing plan  
(C) The layout of Darby's website  
(D) Darby's new approach to marketing 
He's purchasing the electronic goods.

남자가 전자제품을 구입하고 있다.
인생을 담은 스크랩북
Well put together scrapbooks and photo albums have warmed more hearts than any bound book... Without a good scrapbook, much that's memorable in life is forgotten or damaged or lost
내 입장이라면 in my shoes

[강사 : Gwen Lee]
- 미시시피 주립대, Oxford, Mississippi, U.S.
- (現) 테스트와이즈학원 토익스피킹 과목 담당

내 입장이라면 in my shoes

A : 그렇게 흥분할 필요가 없을 것 같은데. 
     I don't think it's anything to get upset about. 

     그런 사람과는 거래를 끊으면 되잖아. 
     Just stop doing business with people like that.

     간단한 거 아냐? 
     It's pure and simple, isn't it?

B : 너도 내 입장이라면 그렇게 쉽게 말할 순 없을걸.
     You wouldn't be saying that if you were in my shoes.

안녕, 수진. 어디 가니?
Hi, Su-jin. Where are you off to?
헬쓰장에 가는 중이야. 지난 주에 등록했거든?
I am heading to the gym. I just joined up last week.
그래? 왜?
Really? Why?
음, 요즈음 몸짱 열풍이 전국을 강타하고 있잖아.
Well, these days the "Momjjang" craze is sweeping the nation.

러시아, 호주산 캥거루 고기 수입금지 조치
정신지체장애인 올림픽 창설자 유니스 케네디 슈라이버 별세
김진우 회원님께서는 2008-10-23 에 회원가입을 하셨으며, 회원가입 또는 회원정보수정시 메일 수신을 동의하셨습니다. 메일 수신을 원치 않으시면 수신거부를 클릭해 주시기 바랍니다.

본 메일은 정보통신망이용촉진및정보보호 등에 관한 법률 및 시행규칙을 준수한 발신전용 이메일로서,회신이 불가능 하오니 문의가 있으신 분은 고객만족센터를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

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