2009년 8월 31일 월요일

[무료 학습메일] 한국인 휴대 전화 사용량, 세계 최고 - 영자신문 받아쓰기

No.914    2009. 08. 31. Monday
왕초보탈출!!! 말문트고 신나게 말하기
왕초보 English Fitness 교재무료 이벤트
[교재무료] 왕초보 English Fitness
오픈! Write & Speak 더블더블 BASIC
루키! 이찬승 Speaking Know-how

Melbourne Super's fresh fruit and produce are ------- certified as organic and free of 
        all additives and preservatives.    
    (A) official  
    (B) office  
    (C) officially   
    (D) officiate  

The region's biggest construction firm, Wise and Bosco, is involved with ------- of the
         city's most important public works.    
     (A) lot  
     (B) every  
     (C) many  
     (D) much  
Can't we go inside? It's freezing out here.

안으로 들어가면 안 될까요? 여기 정말 춥네요.
신종 플루 예방 백신 누가 먼저?
* Pregnant women
* People who live with or care for children <6 months
* Health care and emergency services personnel
* Persons between the ages of 6 months - 24 years of age
* People from ages 25 - 64 years who are at higher risk.....
배짱이 있다(좋다) have guts

[강사 : Gwen Lee]

- 미시시피 주립대, Oxford, Mississippi, U.S.
- 이티하우스 [토익스피킹] 담당
- 이티하우스 [왕초보 English Fitness] 담당

배짱이 있다(좋다) have guts

A : 그 친구, 그렇게 안 보이던데 배짱이 보통 아니던 걸.
     That guy may not look like it, but he really has guts.

B : 아니, 왜?
     Oh, why do you say that?

A :글쎄, 영어도 몇 마디 못하는 사람이 떡하니 계약을 따왔어.
    I don't know how, with his limited English, but he came back
    with a contract.

사람들이 요즘 부쩍 웰빙에 관심이 많은 것 같아요.
People certainly seem to be interested in their basic well-being lately.
보다 건강하게 살려는 라이프 스타일을 말하는 거죠?
You mean, trying to live healthier lifestyles?
네, 하도 법석대며 살다보니 웰빙이 부각된 거죠.
Yes, it's become important because of the hectic nature of our society.
한국인 휴대 전화 사용량, 세계 최고 (Koreans: Biggest Mobile Phone Talkers)
According to a recent report conducted by Digieco, a research institute affiliated with South Korea's second-largest mobile carrier Korea Telecom (KT), ① _______ ___ ___ _______ _______ _______ . The report showed that South Koreans talked on their mobile phones an average of 320 minutes per month.

Digieco compared their findings to the amount of time spent on the phone in other parts of the world where ② ___ ______ ____ ___ _____ ___ ___ ________ __ ___ _______. In France, ③ individuals spend an average of 246 minutes on the phone per month while the British talked for 244 minutes and Finns for 192 minutes per month. The study also showed that Japanese people spend an average of 139 minutes on the phone per month. Germans spend 102 minutes on the phone monthly, only one third of the time spent by Koreans.

In countries where both the caller and the receiver ④ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ __ ___ _____ ____, the United States ranked as the top user of monthly phone minutes. On average, the monthly phone bill of a U.S. citizen totaled 829 minutes. Experts say this may also be due to the U.S. phone service which allows customers to make free and unlimited phone calls during weeknights and on the weekends. Following the U.S. was Hong Kong, with 447 minutes per month on average, Canada with 444 minutes and Singapore with 377 minutes.

Officials from KT say that South Korean mobile phone users ⑤ ___ __ ___ ____ _________ ______ __ __________ ___________ _____ ______. "It is ⑥ ___________ __ ___ _____ _______ in Korea. In fact, many Koreans use their mobile phones instead of their home phones," KT officials said.

늘어나는 음주운전 사고, 세계적 골치
미 불법 이민자 수감중 사망 원인은 의료 결핍
김진우 회원님께서는 2008-10-23 에 회원가입을 하셨으며, 회원가입 또는 회원정보수정시 메일 수신을 동의하셨습니다. 메일 수신을 원치 않으시면 수신거부를 클릭해 주시기 바랍니다.

본 메일은 정보통신망이용촉진및정보보호 등에 관한 법률 및 시행규칙을 준수한 발신전용 이메일로서,회신이 불가능 하오니 문의가 있으신 분은 고객만족센터를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

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