2009년 12월 28일 월요일

토마토 Daily 학습 메일

토마토메인   2009년 12월 28일 토익교재서비스 텝스교재서비스 토익스터디 토마토카페 토익/텝스 정보
Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation.

Where was the woman supposed to be?    
(A) In a meeting  
(B) At a training session  
(C) At home  
(D) In her office  

Why was the woman unable to follow through with her original plans?    
(A) An event was delayed.  
(B) A business meeting was called.  
(C) A workshop was called off.  
(D) An appointment was cancelled.  

What will the woman most likely NOT be doing next month?    
(A) Confirming her schedule  
(B) Finding new accommodations  
(C) Completing urgent work  
(D) Attending a workshop  

A stream is flowing next to the dirt trail.

흙길 옆에 시내가 흐르고 있다.

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2009년, 국제 경제위기로 암울했던 한 해가 저무는 가운데 경제 전문가들은 내년, 2010년의 국제 재정에 관해 올해 보다는 나아질 것이라는 낙관적인 전망을 내놓고 있습니다.
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Domestic inflation caused by oil price hikes is ------- investment in South America.
A. discourage B. discouraged
C. discouragement D. discouraging

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