2010년 11월 20일 토요일


b8ikm4rfv.hellbender28.craig@blogger.com An-tibiotics play .an impor'tant role .in moder,n medicine figh*ting infe'ctions ,caused by, bacteria. Is .peanut du*st on airplan-e's and from open b'ags o,f peanuts. really as dange,rous _as the pr_ess claims? False, positive _results 'of food all_ergy sk,in tests can. lead to un+necess,ary dietar'y restric.tions & dru'gs. Organ meats 'are' high in choleste*rol- content, but fo*ods of pla.nt o-rigin contain+ no ch,olesterol. More. than 2'0 million Am+ericans ha-ve asthma.. This y.ear, about' 4,000 wi+ll die from asth_ma. Nu_trition spec_ialists a-re mag,icians tha.t can help -achieve the we'ight o-f your dream wit_hout +any risk.- My diet _and physical act_ivity cho_ices +are responsib_le for my c*holester*ol level, and* yours? If yo+u tak'e medicine lat*e you- may be *in pain while- the painkil_ler is a_bsorbed and star.ts to work,. *Your risk of high -c*holesterol i-ncreases *if a mother 'or sister was +affect+ed by heart .disease. .High choles'terol can- increase you.r chanc_e of hav'ing heart di*sease. Thi_nk what ,you eat, man!* This medica.tion ,is for thos-e men who 'know th*e true value of *good se+x and steady* erection!. We provid,e our ,customers on'ly with effectiv,e and saf'e medicati-ons, you do+n't ha_ve to' worry! Does the 'duration of_ your .sex depend +on the leng*th of your. penis? L_et's find* it ou-t! Immunotherapy ,ultim,ately works in .up to *90% of p*eople with season+al a.llergic rh.initis. Dise'ases associate.d wit.h increased r'isk of er.ectile dysfun_ct*ion include d-iabetes & kidney* d*isease. Some an_tibiotics bec-ome l,ess effect.ive if 'they are t-aken with food. Ob*serve t*he instru,ctions!, What innovation's can b-e found in' pharmaceutica+ls? Mos.t innovativ,e a'llergy treat+ment for +you! One size- fits a*ll does not _apply to pa+inkillers_. Never share+ your prescri+p_tion drug with 'anyone. Hay fe,ver… The*se two ,little wor_ds turn my life. upsi_de down *every year! B_ut now it's_ over! Slow *& _steady weigh.t loss of 2 -pounds per week. is t,he safest_ but not quicke*st w'ay to ideal we-ight,. Doctors and the+ governme_nt are crac*king d_own on pr*escription pain*killer,s. Learn mo,re now! The-re is no limit' to how _long you' can take ,paink+illers. You don't h_ave, to worry *about ov_erdose. Both partne'rs c*an suffer if. erecti_le dysfuncti'on goes unt*reated. B-e respo,nsible to_ your partner. Exa'mples o'f allerge+ns that may_ trigger asth*ma are _pollens, mold_s, animal d+ander. & dust 'mites. Ast'hma affects ,kids i+n different, ways. Read more+ about t,he ways of r*educing .the sym.ptoms. Ob,esity is a disease' that affe_cts 3'4 percent o.f adult_s age 20 and ov-er in the ,United St.ates*. The body n'eeds some cholest+erol' in order to_ function prop*erly. The .ma*tter is how much.. Antihista,mines 'can cause s*leepines*s, so never .take one any t.ime sa+fety requires -you to be ,alert. Too. muc,h choles'terol in the bloo-d is a maj_or risk for- 'coronary he.art disease, and for strok-e. Diseases _asso*ciated wit_h increased ri+sk of erec-tile dysfunc*tio,n include diabetes* & kidn-ey disease. E've.n if you have sev-ere asthm.a you +need to_ exercise regula_rly in 'order to stay in* good shap+e! -The best time to -take. an ant_ihistamine,' which blocks a-llergic react-ions,* is before t-he at*tack. Here are' the mo_st common *causes of obesit_y: genet.ics, i_llness, psychol-ogy and _lifestyle' habits. Do y,ou k.now that women _over age 20 s,hould 'have their c+holest'erol checked. by their* doctor. If you'r fami'ly is full of ,overwei.ght people, .tr'y out our new medi+cation .that +helped hundre'ds. Survey+s show that' obesity_ is a leading c'ause -of preventable- illness an.d death in, North Ame-ric*a. Overeating .your problem.s leads t-o much mo-re serious pro.blems. A-re you read.y to becom,e obe,se? Your+ personal allerg.y tr_eatment requir_es much time' to find. ,But fi+nally you will .discover +it! S+ometimes it is -very hard t.o tell when_ an illn,ess is caused, by a vi,ral or b.acter+ial infection. Anti+biotic-s generally +are sa*fe, pro-vided you use ,them properly a_nd follow ,the in+struc.tions. People- taking strong +pain'killers s'hould be car+eful while exp*eriencing di-zziness w*hen drivin'g. Eating d'isord*ers, such as bi_nge ea,ting or bul'imia of-ten lead t*o weight di*sorder+s & even to obe+sity. If* you have asthm+a the s-wollen- airway tissues +make a thi*ck, sli,ppery s'ubstance called m,ucus. Pai,nkillers can. caus'e drow,siness, inability ,to concent'rate, .flushi,ng of the face an-d neck.+ Exercis,ing in dry-, cold air m*ay be a trigge_r fo'r asthma in peo_ple. Take _care of your_ health+! I kno_w everything a+bout world+ most pop-ular me,dications for i'mpo_tence treatment,! Obes,ity rates of Afr-ican*-American girl,s ar.e the fastest_ growing am_ong any _group in the ,USA. Sta-tistica'lly, men of l_ower socio-econo*mi*c status t,end to have seri+ous pro+blems with erec_tion. Peop_le -who cherish the,ir sexu_al life start +impoten'ce treatment _before .problems occu_r! Asthma i's t.he leading cau.se of chro*nic +illness in childr,en. Prot,ect your famil'y today!_ I h*ave to say someth,ing.. It matters .only fo-r those men+ who faced i'mpotence i+n their l+ife! Paink,illers are _prescri.bed for pai'n relief, _e.g. after surg.ery and are- only a+vailab_le by pre_scription. Obesit,y often ca.uses peop,le's dea_ths. B-ut even more often *it caus*es ch-ronic dep+ression & ang*er. Childhood o+besi,ty is associate,d wit-h high chance o'f prem_ature _death & disability. in+ adulthoo_d. Obesity is fast_ becoming, the -developed worl+ds big.gest health prob,lem. Pr'otect y'ourself from it,! If yo+u don't w+ant to go under *the knif+e for a chan_c.e of resto.red potency, try* this drug! I+n about+ 50% of chil+dren wit.h ast_hma, the cond,ition may b+ecome. inactive in* the teena+ge years. P+oor nutri,tion combined _with lac-k of physica'l acti-vity often cause+ obesity i.n adult peo_ple. D+id your sy-mptoms+ of asthma dev*elop as an -adult? Thi,s may be only- the v_ery begin.ning! As+k your doc_tor what he t'hinks about t*he antib+iotics you ,take. May .be you'll +be surpri_sed._ There are no w'rong obe*sity treatment 'methods! T+he one that+ he_lps you lose w+eight i+s always right!- Overweigh-t ,& obesity 're 'defined *as abnormal. or exces_sive fat accu*mulatio*n that impair 'healt,h. Scientists_ have found t'hat +some food*s (as fish & walnu-ts) can' help. control your cho'lest+erol. If you* keep on think-ing about- impot-ence it +will never *leave you. T+hink about .great sex! D_id yo_ur symptoms of as-thma d*evelop as an a*du,lt? This may be onl+y the very+ beg'inning! This off,er' will chang-e your whole' life! It. will bring' harmony, and sex _into your family+ life! It i-s usually. possib_le to mana+ge pet allerg.ies without -g'etting rid of y_our ca_t or dog! Read mo,re!' It's not o+nly your body. that suffers- from pain *but 'your nervous s,ystem as ,well-. Think tw*ice! There is no -limit to h+ow long .you can take .painki*llers. You do*n't have t,o worry ab*out ove-rdose. Knowing, the *various .reasons that peo*ple bec.ome obese can- help y.ou unders+tand your stru*ggl_e. Obesity''s probably the on'ly _disease that -can be caused _by -negative 'emotions onl.y. Be ver,y careful! _Low self-estee,m, guilt, +emotiona*l stre.ss, or trauma can' lead to +overe*ating res-ulting in ob-esity. Is y_our asthma -preventin*g you fro-m exercising? It 'doesn't ha-ve to! ,Keep on +moving! Do y*ou cough or_ wheeze afte.r ex'ercising? I.f so, yo_u may ha.ve exercise-in+duced a*sthma. Following- are t_he most com*mon asthma ,symptoms:- shortnes,s of breath, _coughing .& wheezing. T+here is* no place fo,r impotence. in you,r life!- When are* you going to und.erstand+ it, man? B*e realist_ic about se'xual expectat+i,ons for yourself_ and' your partner. It. is not al-ways ,idealistic. C-ommon asth*ma symp*toms incl*ude chest tightn,ess, .shortness of -breath an,d sever*e pain. A,ntibiotic-resistant' bacte+ria can caus_e in.fections a.nd can be sprea,d to +others in your fa+mil+y. At what' age did you los'e your 'potency? It i's never to*o late- to restore -it with our .medicine! If+ you have 'asthma* the swollen_ airway tis+su,es make a .thick, slippe_ry subst-ance called mucus-. Did yo-u think t+hat you.r allergy is' the most ,unplea'sant? I'm sure ther.e *more horr*ible reacti'ons. Asthma i-s more c*ommon in Afric_an Amer+ican children 'than in wh-ite childr'en, for s-ome reas-on. Since p*enici'llin was introduced*, scienti-sts hav.e developed +more t.han 150 differen+t antibio-tics.* Allergie.s are th,e 6th leading .cause of 'chronic disease 'in the Un,ited_ States. Be ca,reful, man_! Bacterial .res'istance t_o antibiotic.s is prod_uced by chan+ges in the 'bacterium's, muta,tions. Exces_s amount, of fat on your, bott.om looks awful, even if you hi'de it *under' fashionable je-ans! +Wheezing may b-e a sign of as'th-ma, but it can also' signal an' _infection, lung di+sease,' heartb.urn. Even wi+th advances in t,reatmen't, as_thma deaths am*ong young, people ha-ve mor'e that doubled., I do not c.are about my -blood c,holeste,rol as I k.now perf'ectly well how +to c'ontrol it easi.ly! Erec.tions occ.ur during normal,. ni,ghtly sleeping. Th.ese _erection_s are not re'lated to er'otic dreams. , As,thmatics h*aving sever,e or near-+fatal asthma_ attacks are _likely to -have fatal* asthma .attack,s. Learn how stre,ss and- anxiety may tr'igger 'an asthma attac*k.. It may sav'e your life some .day! T*oday's +young people nee_d to- worry about get-ting sick- & dying soo.ner if t*hey still +get -obese. Im.potence sh_ould have .never occurred in *yo-ur bedroom.. Learn what to do -if _it did occur. O*bese peopl.e suff'er every- day not only fr,om t-he way they l,ook but from nu+merous di'seases! Tr*eatment i's rare,ly need,ed if men be,tween 40 and 50* face impote'nce- in 20% of the* time. Few ye,ars in a+ new *location, make* people s_ensit'ized to new env'ironment and .asthma, returns. D+octors say 'men ge_t much less .active encoura.gement to u.se h-ealth care -services t,han wome_n. Let y.our doctor c'hoose the most +appro*priate plan *for you to_ get rid. of those ext+ra kilos of fa,t., Men sufferi,ng from depressi'on are' more likel*y to be given- custodi_al sentence+s t_han women. Almo,st 2 _out of 5 teens r+eport having, fri'ends that ab.use p-rescription painkil.le'rs & other d-rugs. Yo.u cannot outgr*ow asth.ma. The symptoms., however, -may re'occur anytim,e i-n adulthood. It's a+ well-kn+own fact th,at older+ adu'lts who suf,fer from -asthma have _poorer lu-ng function. A,t what age did* you l+ose your po,tency? I*t is nev+er too late to +resto+re it with ou+r medicine!+ Your, genes partly d,etermine how_ high your- choleste'rol .is. High chole-sterol .runs in familie's. Men of-ten develo*p erections i*n no,n-sexual _situatio_ns. For ex+ample when slee_ping. Try t,o use, it! Here*'s some good, news. To -lower the ch+olesterol, you_ c'an actually .eat more o.f certai-n foods. Every* woman d.reams of ,a passionate+ and tender m+an, and ther*e's nothi+ng a*bout impoten_ce. Sometimes* it is ver*y hard *to tell when. an illness is- caused. by a vi*ral or *bacterial in*fection. Alth_ough you ma*y wa+nt to hel'p your child get ,well, a,ntibiotics _do no goo_d for v*iral infections,. With to-day's ,treatments, most+ people *who have ast,hma are- able to' manage the dise,ase. C-holesterol r.isk f,actor is a' condition, that increa+ses your, chance of getti*ng a hea.rt di'sease. Too -much cholest,erol in your* body i.s a major fa+ctor for. heart disease-. Th,ink about it, ma.n! I hate my _e.xtra weight but I+ can not ge't rid of i't,' no matter what I .try. I, am ready' for su.rgery now! Bef-ore the age- of menop*ause, women+ have lowe,r choleste*rol leve-l than me*n of the+ same age. Th'ere are sev-eral factors th_at contrib+ute, to high choles.terol -- o_nly som+e are c_ontrollab'le. One of _the most common s,ide effects, of an,tibioti_cs is ye_ast overgrowth. It.'s, dangerous… Discov_er +the special di_etary tips. you must kno,w if, you have any 'prob*lems with -breathing. Peop.le all o+ver the 'United States .are overweig*ht or -obese, and at *least 1 in _5 of* them are ch'ildren. I'm r*eall'y afraid of h-aving an' allergy. M,y sister h,as & it's awf_ul. So I* have a daily' todo li'st. The medic,ine you wil-l- see in this le*tter .has saved my mar'riage *from collap_se! It's am-azing! +It can be _helpful to k-now some f'acts ab'out painkilling dru+gs when +you a.re starting to ta.ke. them. One of the +most* common side eff'e,cts of antibiotics +is yea'st overgr_owth. It's dan.gerous'… Smoke* is a powerful _trig*ger of asthma sym'pto,ms. Take care of -the' air you breathe* in! 'Guess what tha*t is: caused ,by polle'n or 'dust and re+sults in' running nose and ,watery e,yes? Even w-ith a_dvances in ,treatment, asthm+a deaths- amo.ng young people ,have m-ore that double'd. ,Many peop'le believe that, they should o*nl_y get help whe*n the pain is *be+coming unbea.rable. Bic.ycle riding, i,n mod.eration,_ does not affect e_rectile .funct,ioning. But i.t's not absolu_tely *safe. I k*now nothing* about the in'gredie.nts that are i,ncluded in+to this antib,iotic, b*ut it_ really works_! When you _are taking p'aink_illers be sure t+o take +them r+egularly as -prescribed *by your docto'r. More wome_n .over 45 ha+ve high c'holesterol than- men. I+t is a good rea+son to take. car_e now! Narcot+ic pain rel_ievers reduce, the moti,lity of st,omach c*onten+ts through t+he digestive tra+ct., Why doesn't* my ast.hma inhaler .work? What inha,ler is the 'best one t-o c_hoose? Learn- now! Absolutel+y new e'dge of* breathtaking sex 'is open' for you* with the .help of _our brand new ,drug! C+hildhood o-besity i_s associat.ed with high c+hance of+ premature d+eath & disab+ility in_ adulth+ood. Severe* asthma 'attacks may ,require +emergency .care, and t'hey can cau+se death. -Watch ou+t! As some dis,eases 'progress, ,the diseas_e will impac_t the functi+on of muscu.lar structure*s -of the penis._ Taking medicat,ions in- order, to stay _slim & health,y is not tha_t stupid ,as it ma_y seem, 'believe me! Your -obesit.y treatment s-hould be p*erform_ed only un,der supervisio*n of *a health.-care profe*ssional! ,Asthma is also c-ommonly diag+nosed' after symp,toms arise *during e*xercise. Ar'e you okay. now? The _risk of ant'ibiot'ic associated *diarrhea .rises with ho+w often and h+ow lon*g the *drug is taken. Ant+ibiotics. are u'sually taken b_y mouth, *but can s+ometimes *be given into a* vein, in-to a .muscle. Wh_ile there,'s no asthma di-et, there ar-e speci*fic guidel*ines f.or eating w+ell with asthm*a. More t_han 20 mil.lion American*s have ast-hm.a. This year+, about 4,0+00 will' die from asth+ma. Loss of er*e'ction is rev*ersible;- one can us+ually ret+urn to a p,revious level o-f arousal in* some -time. We lov*e helping peop.le! That',s why toda-y _we offer you our n-ew weight *loss p*rogram at 2-0%. F.ood allergy testing, in the -doc'tor's office inv-olves ei*ther a prick' skin t_est or a, blood test. Choos_e! Antibi-otics do *not- cure infect.ions cause+d by vir.uses and s'hould not b.e taken in+ these case+s. Don't lim.it your intimat'e or s_exual contact *to ,the erect penis' on'ly! Try to switc'h your *imaginatio+n! Men ha+ve less chan,ce to build a, rela'tionship -with their doct'or or nu+rse as+ they neve*r visit them. Via+gra (Silden'afil citr_ate, Viagra, *Generic Viagr-a, Ka'magra, revati+o , phrodi'l, Edeg'ra, Erasmo,_ Penegra, S*upra-, Zwagra) Ort-ho Tri-Cyclen — _Birth- Contr'ol, Contraception,. Preg*nancy tr_iz Zanaflex (Tizan.idine,- Sirdalu*d, pain,_ muscle rela'xer, muscle r+elaxant) Bay_er, ASA Aspirin (Ace,tylsal+icylic -Acid, ASA,) Levonorgestre-l (Plan B,. Levonelle,, NorL-evo, Postinor, b*irth' control, l+evlen) Taga-ra Bactroban_ (mupirocin,- Turixi.n, Cent.any) naxy .Trental *— Peripheral Vascu_lar Dis*ease, Int*ermittent, Claudicat.ion, Chronic Oc'clusiv.e Arterial Di,sea'se Cryptococcosi*s vasta-rel lm 'Prilosec (Omeprazol-e, A+ntra, Losec) O.veractive* Bla+dder Mentat ,Pills pheny.toin Diclof,enac +(Voltaren,* Voveran, Voltar.ol, Voltaro*l SR, Volta,rol Retar,d, V,oltarol Rapid, Di,clomax SR,_ Diclomax- Retard,_ Motifene,. Defenac, Di*clo_fex, Diclozip,, Dyloject,' Fenactol, Fla.mrase, Fl.amatak,+ Econac, Rhuma.lgan S+R, Rhumal+gan XL, Volsaid- SR) Genta+mic*in Eye Drops [g,entamicine.yedrops] (.Alcomicin, 'Apigent,* Biogara*cin, Cidomycin, ,Diakarmon,_ Epi'gent, Gara'micina, Ga+ramycin*, Genoptic*, Gensumyci,n, Gentalline, Gen+t-amen, Gentami-na, Gentamy-trex, Ge-ntarad, +Gentasporin, Gen,ticin, Gentic-yn, Op'htagram, Op+timy'cin, Refobaci_n, Sulmyc'in) Prozac_ — Depression, .Antidepress.ant,, Obsessive-+Compulsive Disor,der, Bulim,ia,' Panic Disor*der, Prem*enstrual Dys-phoric Disor.der_, Panic Attacks,, Eating D-isorder h,ydrea +grifulvin Premarin -— M+enopause, O-steoporo+sis maliaqui_ne armix_ Pilex (hemorrhoid's) silph*en Int,imax — ,ED dilantin. Ortho Tri-Cy,clen — Birth +Control,, Contra'ception, Pregna+ncy Chloro.quine ,(aralen, Avlo.clor, C+adiquin, Delagi*l, Lag-aquin, Malaq'uin, Ma*larex, Ma'larivon, Mali,aquine, Ma_quine, N,ivaquine-, Resochin., Chlorquin)* 15 Cialis Prof_es_sional (Tadal+afil) 1.42% Cl_ar.inex (Desloratadin-e, Ne-oClarit_yn, Claramax., Aerius) Herbola'x — Cons'tipation, La+xativ_e, Herbal *Laxative*, Ayurveda sc,hizoaffectiv'e disord-er Chyavanapra'sha [chy_avanapr'asha] hai.r regrowth t'ruvada clopr.am .Relafen (Nabum*etone, Re,lifex, pain') HIV T.est — HIV, Te'st Mentat Pi_lls [m+entat] tamoxi.fen Brai+n Absce,ss Isosorbide Monon*itr-ate — Angina Pe'cto*ris Precose — D_iab*etes, Blood Su+gar Aloe V_era Juice (Wi_th Hone'y, Ginge_r & Lemon) Tinea ,Versicol,or Hard -On Viagr'a Jelly (We-ekly Packs) — *Erectile, Dys+function, Erect.ion, Impot_ence Acidity ,Tachycardi*a qui.ninga Trik.atu — Ayurveda,. Dig'estion, Indige*stion, Flat'ulence,, Appetite .ranicl*or Stratter*a (Atomoxetin,e, Tomoxe-tin, Att_entin, Stratera, S+tratte+rra, St'attera, Strate.rra, adhd) 'Vanti_n — Bacterial *Infectio+ns, Antibioti,c, Oti-tis Media, _Pharyngit+is, Sinu,sitis mycophenola+te H'uman Growth Hor_mone [hu,mangrowthh*ormone] (hgh)_ Incont.inence dia'mox Seroq-uel [seroquel]- (_Quetiapine, Ket'ipinor) Torse'mide (dem*adex) m*illipred .colchicine im,mune boost-er Chyavan_aprash+a [chyavanapra*sha+] Aloe Vera J-uice test -glucotrol xl *septrin Kef-lex [kef_lex] (keftab, -C+efalexin, C+ephalexin', Sporidex) Insu,lin Gl-argine (Lan,tus) (Lantus., Nov*olog, insu'lin, insulin, glargin'e) Respiratory +Infections hyd+rox_yzine alle emsam+ Mirape+x (Pramipex.ole, Mirap+exin, S,ifrol) ter_binafine a-nadin ibu-profen sterap*red ds+ Malegra *DXT (Sildenafil +. D-uloxetine) [s.ildenafi'lduloxetine'] (sildenafi,l citrate, d-uloxetine, *viagra, +cymbalta, yen+treve) ae_rovent Ketoc,onazole C-rea.m — Fungal Infec*tions, Rin-gworm, .Tinea Cr_uris, Tinea Corp'oris, +Jock Itch+, Tinea P+edis, Athle_te's Foo*t, Tinea V.ersicolor, Ye.ast Infect+ions Pyrantel -Pamoate ,Suspension 'flixoti_de Anxiety .sereven+t yashtimadhu ,dysmeno-rrhea Gene'ralized Anxie_ty Disorde+r endep lit.hotabs -Mentat P-ills [menta-t] Chron.ic Idiopathic K+eratoco+njunctivitis 'Sicca zapo-nex ,Lamisil C+ream — Athlet_e's Foot, J'ock Itch, Ri-ngworm_, Versicolo+r, Tinea Cruri_s, Tine-a Corporis, T'inea Pedis,_ Fungal I-nfec-tions, Fungus' ranzol+ont Ampic*illin (Penbri_tin, Rimacil+lin, Omnipen-, Princip,en, Ampicyn)_ Urinary, Inc_ontinence A-nafranil [anafrani_l]' (Clomipramine, C+lofranil,, Cl,opram, Clopra,n, Clopress, *Equinorm, Hy'diphen, M*aro_nil, Placil), Opticare Ointm'ent (cy.closporine, ,optimmune)+ Prom+etrium — Ho,rmone Replace+ment, Menopaus-e Pheoc_hromocytoma -Kytril (gr+anisetron') Fron'tier (Frontlin_e) 22,-44 lbs (f.rontlin*e, fipronil-) Throat Infect*ions Dicl,ofenac To-pical Gel ,[dicl*ofenacgel] (Vo'ltaren gel, vo.ltaren,* volt+aren emulgel) Vanti-n [vantin+] '(Cefpodoxi.me) cefotax_ime gentarad Fema.le Pink' Viagra [,femalepi_nkviagra] '(Female Viagra, P-ink Via_gra, viagra +for wo*men) R-ogaine (Minoxidi'l, Regai.ne) Penis En+largement co'lchily micr'oz,ide clopido-grel Amaryl- — Diabet-es, Blood Su-gar anemia HIV* Test* (test) We.llbutrin SR '(Bupropion, +Am+febutamone, ,Wellbutrin,+ Zyban, Budepri_on,, Buproban) . divalproex' sodium Reosto -[reo+sto] (oste_oporosis) gastro-esophagea-l reflux di.sease etop'oside dysme.norrhea _pronor*an Himp-lasia ergo_tamine tartrate i'nfertili.ty nubeta B-etapace +(Sotalol', Sotalex, Sotac,or) + stroke ri+sk reduct,ion medis-orbin Nexium [ne,xium] (Eso,meprazole, L*uc*en, Esopral, Axag_on, ,Sompraz, Zoleri,' Nexia_m) Prinivi+l — High Blo-od Pressure,_ Hyperte*nsion,+ Congestiv_e Heart Failure,_ Myocard'ial Infarction- CO-PD Bael +[bael] hemat*uria Agorap.hobia runn'y nose pheno'til natu+rethroid F'emale Pin*k Viagra_ — Female Enh-ancemen+t, Female .Libido, Decrea'sed Libido pro-balan .brain a-bscess Ze-beta (Bisopr'olol, Mon_ocor) dipyridamo,le Panado+l Ext-ra [panadolextra] -(acetami,nophen', paraceta_mol) Muscl-e Strains, myocardi,al infarction Pr,oza,c (Fluoxetine, Font,e,x, Ladose,, Sarafem, S.olax, flo*uxetine, fludac)

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