2012년 3월 23일 금요일

[3월 23일 학습메일] 토마토 수강생이 가장 선호한 강의! '80일 TOEIC 일주' 앵콜 진행!

2012.03.23 Friday No.579

총 30문항. 질문에 가장 적절한 응답을 찾는 유형으로 순발력이 요구되는 파트
총 10문항. 사진을 보여주고 가장 잘 묘사된 선택지를 찾는 유형
Questions 1-4 refer to the following article.

MVA Licensing Requirements Update

The Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) has announced changes in the licensing requirements that will begin on September 1. A spokesperson for the MVA, Seth Riggan, reported that the number of accidents caused by elderly drivers in the past two years has increased dramatically. This has led to policy reform in order to ensure the safety of everyone on the road. Under the new regulations, drivers over the age of 70 will be required to renew their licenses annually, instead of every five years according to the current policy. In addition to the eye exam that is currently required for all drivers, elderly drivers will be required to undergo a full medical check-up by a physician. The new policy also calls for stricter penalties for drunk drivers, including jail time for a first offense. A copy of the full policy can be found on the Motor Vehicle Administration’s Web site or in print form at the licensing office.

One section of the proposed changes was not approved by the administration. The regulation to prohibit those over 85 from obtaining a driver’s license was excluded from the final draft of the new regulations. This was done after the MVA received numerous complaints from senior support groups that promote independence among the elderly.

Public opinion is split regarding the controversial policy changes. While many feel that individuals should be responsible for making the decision about whether or not they have the capacity to drive safely, others believe that there are many drivers that are a danger to others. Only time will tell whether or not the new regulations will, as hoped, reduce the number of accidents and injuries.

What does Seth Riggan comment on?
(A) The need for stricter speed limits
(B) A program to train elderly drivers
(C) The reason for a policy change
(D) An increase in driver’s license applicants
What is true under the current policy?
(A) Drunk drivers can be jailed on a first offense.
(B) Drivers over 70 must renew their licenses annually.
(C) An eye exam is required to renew a license.
(D) Applicants must submit proof of a medical check.
Why mentioned about the final draft of the regulations?
(A) It is awaiting the approval of city officials.
(B) It will be available to the public starting in September.
(C) It was written by senior advocacy groups.
(D) It did not include all of the originally proposed items.
The word “promote” in paragraph 2, line 4 is closest in meaning to
(A) persuade
(B) encourage
(C) arrange
(D) sell
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