2012년 4월 25일 수요일

[4월 25일 학습메일] 토익 사진묘사 - 넓은 풀밭과 사람들을 영어로 묘사 해보세요~

2012.04.25 Wednesday No.610

총 30문항. 질문에 가장 적절한 응답을 찾는 유형으로 순발력이 요구되는 파트
총 10문항. 사진을 보여주고 가장 잘 묘사된 선택지를 찾는 유형
Questions 1-3 refer to the following memo.

Attention: All employees
From: Betsy Campbell
Date: December 12

Beginning on January 1, a new leave of absence policy will go into effect. Currently, employees are granted three days of paid sick leave per year. However, this has been a disadvantage to employees who did not use all of the allotted days because they were not needed for health reasons. The policy also required a doctor’s note from those using sick days, which was difficult for some employees to obtain. Under the new policy, employees will be granted three extra vacation days in addition to the regular vacation specified in their contracts, and sick day leaves of absence will be eliminated. When employees are ill, they will be required to use one of their vacation days when missing work, but they will not be required to submit a doctor’s note. This policy change will be reflected in the next printing of the employee manual. Please direct any questions or concerns about the policy to a personnel representative.

Thank you,

Betsy Campbell, Office Manager

What is the main purpose of this memo?
(A) To discourage employees from taking sick days
(B) To bring attention to a policy change
(C) To remind employees to use their vacation time
(D) To gather opinions about a proposed regulation
Under the current rules, what must employees do to take a sick day?
(A) Use one of their vacation days
(B) Find someone to cover their shift
(C) Get permission from a supervisor
(D) Provide a doctor’s note
What should employees do if they have questions?
(A) Email Betsy Campbell
(B) Talk to an HR employee
(C) Consult a supervisor
(D) Attend a feedback meeting
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