2012년 5월 4일 금요일

[5월 4일 학습메일] Watch & Speak-'해리포터'의 론이 아이스크림 트럭을 몰고 다니는 이유를 확인하세요~

2012.05.04 Friday No.619

총 30문항. 질문에 가장 적절한 응답을 찾는 유형으로 순발력이 요구되는 파트
Questions 1-3 refer to the following phone message.
What is the purpose of Ms. Benson’s call?
(A) To reduce the size of an order
(B) To cancel an order placed by Tom Anderson
(C) To check the delivery time of an order
(D) To confirm the address for a delivery
Where does Ms. Benson most likely work?
(A) At a clothing store
(B) At an office supply store
(C) At a sandwich shop
(D) At a furniture store
According to Ms.Benson, what is happening this week?
(A) The street in front her business is being repaired.
(B) Her business is having a promotional sale.
(C) A similar business has opened in the neighborhood.
(D) More customers than usual have visited her business.
총 10문항. 사진을 보여주고 가장 잘 묘사된 선택지를 찾는 유형
Questions 1-3 refer to the following advertisement.

We have everything you need at Jay’s Appliances!

At Jay’s Appliances, we’re offering an amazing deal that you won’t want to miss! For the month of April, if you buy any Renewex brand washing machine, you’ll get a dryer absolutely free! That’s a savings of up to $699! If you’re tired of your old appliances, now is the time to replace them. You won’t find a better value anywhere else. We also offer reasonable rates for our quick delivery and installation service, so you’ll be able to use your new washer and dryer on the same day you purchase them. Renewex appliances have been the number one choice across the country for nearly two decades, so you know you’re getting the best quality. So stop in today and let one of our helpful team members help you find the model that’s right for you.

What is being advertised?
(A) A store opening
(B) A special offer
(C) A new appliance brand
(D) A location change
What can shoppers get when they make a purchase at Jay’s Appliances?
(A) Complimentary installation
(B) Free shipping
(C) Same-day delivery
(D) A lifetime warranty
What is mentioned about the Renewex brand?
(A) It has expanded its selection.
(B) It is a top brand nationally.
(C) It is recommended by experts.
(D) It uses new technology.
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쓰면서 배우는 비즈니스 이메일
들으면서 배우는 셜록홈즈
김진우 회원님께서는 2008-10-23 에 회원가입을 하셨으며, 회원가입 또는 회원정보 수정시 메일 수신을 동의하셨습니다.
메일 수신을 원치 않으시면 수신거부를 클릭해 주시기 바랍니다. 본 메일은 정보통신망이용촉진및정보보호 등에 관한 법률 및 시행규칙을
준수한 발신전용 이메일로서, 회신이 불가능 하오니 문의가 있으신 분은 고객만족센터를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

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