2013년 5월 31일 금요일

[5월 31일 학습메일] 토이커들을 위해 시애틀의 기운을 쏜다~ 앱 구입 후 리뷰 쓰면 스타벅스 아메리카노 증정!

2013.05.31 Friday no.900

총 30문항. 질문에 가장 적절한 응답을 찾는 유형으로 순발력이 요구되는 파트
Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following conversation.
What is being discussed?
(A) An expired contract
(B) A new client
(C) A staff meeting
(D) A delivery service
What is true about the woman?
(A) She thinks the company’s prices are too expensive.
(B) She hasn’t had a problem with the company.
(C) She has to make a decision by tomorrow.
(D) Some of her clients are upset about the service.
What does the man offer to do?
(A) Email a contact number
(B) Call a supervisor
(C) Perform some research
(D) Ask for a discount
총 10문항. 사진을 보여주고 가장 잘 묘사된 선택지를 찾는 유형
Questions 1-3 refer to the following memo.

To: All Staff
From: Judy Lentz, HR Director
Date: November 11th
Re: Gift for Fred Bauer

After more than 25 years of service to our company, Fred Bauer will be retiring next month. Mr. Bauer has been a great asset to Unique Designs throughout the years. He started as an intern and quickly made his mark. His creative design work has won numerous awards for both him and for the company. To honor Mr. Bauer for his years of service, the company would like everyone to please contribute ten dollars so that we can purchase a gift. You can bring cash or check to the personnel office any time before November 20th. We will be presenting Mr. Bauer with the gift on his last day of work, November 25th.

Please note that because of Mr. Bauer’s retirement, we will also be filling his position this month. Interview sessions will be held next week and I will be making a decision by November 20th. If you or someone you know is interested in the position, please let me know as soon as possible.

Here at Unique Designs, we value our employees and are proud of the support you show to each other. Thank you for your participation,

Judy Lentz
HR Director

What event does the memo announce?
(A) An employee’s birthday
(B) An award ceremony
(C) An office party
(D) An employee’s retirement
What is requested of employees?
(A) A donation to a charity
(B) A monetary contribution
(C) A service fee
(D) A gift for a new employee
What will Judy Lentz do soon?
(A) Go into retirement
(B) Create a unique design
(C) Hire a new worker
(D) Present an award

today key word
요구된 : required
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